these are absolutely my opinions and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Still Water Community Church.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Pizza, Toe Nails, and Bob Henis

Well.... there are times when I sit here and stare at this blog wondering what to write. Most of the time it's just a place for me to throw up whatever thoughts are in my head onto virtual paper. That can be a dangerous thing..... read some of my old posts. But then again, if it were more than that somebody would pay me to write, and that ain't happenin'.

My middle daughter turned 17 last week. I've got 3 kids, and each one of them are very different. With this one...everything is a production, so birthdays are huge. I feel like we've been celebrating her birthday for 2 weeks! Her party is not until this Friday..... 2 weeks after her actual birthday. As long as I can remember in our family, my in-laws come over and take our family to lunch or dinner to celebrate. This is one of the more entertaining moments of the birthday celebration.

Over the years we've heard my somewhat deaf father-in-law announce to everyone in Panchos that he forgot his beano. We've seen my mother-in-law forget to button the blouse under her sweater, only to have it fall out from under her sweater while walking through the restaurant. The father-in-law also spit coke out of his nose when that happened.....good stuff.

Last night.....we hit Cici's with the in-laws to celebrate birthday #17, and it did not disappoint! The night started pretty calmly.....we got to Cici's with no incident. But then my father-in-law started talking about an old friend named Bob Henis...... yes Bob Henis. Of course when he said it the first time my 13 year old son about fell out. It's just a funny name he said....especially when you say it fast. He's right..... funny name. Kinda like Turd Ferguson, but funnier....Bob Henis.

The laughter was interrupted only by my 6 year old niece walking back to the table from the arcade with a knot on her forehead. She was chasing her bouncie ball that she "won" and went head first into the change machine....greatness...... I mean poor thing.

Then it was "medical story time!" I know you can identify. Everyone has a family member that does not mind sharing medical stories...and usually ones that you don't care to hear. Both of my in-laws are diabetic. I'm not sure of the connection between diabetes and toenails, but evidently there is one. I was in mid-bite of a delicious Cici's cinnamon roll when he tells us that each doctor visit costs him an extra $40....why? Because they have to clip his toenails!!!!
The look on my wife's face= priceless.

Of course my son's question....."Did you go to Dr. Bob Henis?"

I'm out......