these are absolutely my opinions and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Still Water Community Church.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Change's been a while. There's been a lot goin' on, but things are good.

The Cryin' Eagles season is over. We won 3 games this year, but were competitive in all but two. Those two teams are pretty stinkin' good. Beaux and I were talking about stuff after the last game. He's already talking about next season and how he wants to be faster. He doesn't fully comprehend the changes that he will be going through over the next few years.

I had a friend named Eddie in middle school. He was the fastest kid in our school. We were the only team that could throw the ball because of Eddie's speed. By the time we were in 10th grade, Eddie was one of the slowest kids on the team. Change.

Sometimes change is hard. Sometimes it's easy. Sometimes it's good and other times bad. But most of the time, at the very least, change provides opportunity. The opportunity to start over...explore new ventures...for redemption...or just the chance to make good on a bad decision.

I've been reading Old Testament recently. Many of the stories are centered around covenants God made with individuals, or nations. The birth of Jesus ushered in change. Paul wrote about the change that made it possible for Jews and Gentiles to become Christ followers.

Change....I like change most of the time. Change is not only's necessary. If you're not changing, you're not growing.

On another note...Cowboys are lookin' good. The next 3 weeks are crucial.

Weight Loss Update:
Starting Weight.....264
Current Weight......245....down 19 (bit of a plateau, but still working)

I'm out...

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