these are absolutely my opinions and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Still Water Community Church.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Feelin' old

So my oldest graduated from 8th grade Sat. night. You know, I remember leaving 8th grade and all we got was an 8th grade dance. This was a full blown graduation ceremony, minus the caps and gowns, followed up by the dance. It's killin' me when I think of her going to high school next year. I remember my freshman year of high school like the back of my hand and that was 24 years ago....she's making me feel really old.

Back in the office for the first time in about 10 days Wednesday. Serious catching up to do....e-mails, calls, cleaning, camp stuff, senior recognition stuff, you name needed doing.

Speaking of the office.......big season finale tonight. Greatness! Looking forward to that...

Going to lunch today with my buddy Harp.....Rafains......meat overdose! I'm out.....

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