these are absolutely my opinions and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Still Water Community Church.

Monday, May 04, 2009

Back in the Groove

So it's been a few months....6 to be exact. Gonna try to do this weekly. I've got a creative side of me that needs to be scratched a little more, so I'm thinkin' maybe writing could help some.

We wrapped up a series on the bible with our high schoolers last night. Middle schoolers will finish it up Wednesday. It's been a great series....WORD. We spent a few week looking at proving the bible to be
credible and reliable, and then spent a few looking at how and why studying
the bible is so important to our walk.

You know.....this generation of teenagers are different. They have so much at their fingertips. Yet, they've been called the "disposable" generation because everything can be
thrown away when they're finished with it.....including relationships. As a adults, and a society in general, we may have conditioned these kids that commitments don't have to last very long. Involvement is good.....commitment optional.

I had a coach one time that used to say......if this team were bacon and eggs, we need pigs. The chicken is involved, but the pig is committed. I find the same to be true with student ministry. We need students and adults that are committed...not just involved. In order for the students to understand commitment, we as adults have to model it.

If being committed to the ministry as a volunteer is only important when it is convenient...that's involvement. Commitment comes with the territory when dealing with student ministry. If we want the kids here consistently, the adults have to model consistency. If we want the students to bring their bibles....adults have to bring them first.

Students today are active....more involved than any generation before them. They understand's commitment that presents a problem. My question....what are we doing to encourage commitment, not just involvement? What are we doing to establish student ministries, not just youth groups?

Random Thoughts on a Monday:

1. why would a mom of pre-teens force her kids to where masks into a restaurant? why not just
stay at home and eat or get it to go?

2. is a chick Aerosmith tribute band named Dream On really necessary?

3. where is Kip Winger?

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