these are absolutely my opinions and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Still Water Community Church.

Sunday, July 29, 2007


Well...our 3-year old niece is back with her grandparents for the time being. Not sure how long that is going to last, but for now that's where she is at. Her mom is in a 90-day rehab program in Kaufman. If she finishes....she has a chance at getting her kid back. If she quits before the 90 days are up....she has virtually no chance at getting the baby back. Dad is in the process of trying to custody transferred over to him. It's a mess.

I just don't understand. God entrusts us with the training and raising of children. I can't comprehend the amount of selfishness it takes to put yourself in front of your kid's well-being. Kelly and I usually walk away so angry after we talk to her sister. We're praying for God to heal her, both physically and mentally. And we're praying real hard for Josie. God has a plan for her life, and at the age of 3 she's got people in her life that are trying real hard to derail that plan. I know God will protect her and draw her to him.

We're leaving on our high school mission trip today. We're taking 20 high school kids down to Houston to do some work. It's going to be a good trip. I just love the way our kids look for ways to help others. It is so encouraging to see a group of teenagers focused on how they can show someone else the love of Christ, and not be focused on themselves. That's truly a rarity in this culture and I thank God everyday for the kids that he has placed at Springcreek.

Missions? Whether it's your 3-year old niece or someone you've never met. Our mission is to love. The love of Christ is a healer, encourager, teacher, and guide. God uses us in peoples lives to deliver his gifts of mercy and grace just as He uses people in our lives to do the same. I probably spend too much time looking for what God wants to do in my life, and not enough time on how He wants to use my life.

I'll send some pics and updates of the trip.....

Cowboys vs. Colts.......11 days.....that's what I'm talkin' about. I'm out...

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