these are absolutely my opinions and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Still Water Community Church.

Saturday, July 14, 2007

fright night fun....

Wednesday night was incredible. One of the largest Wednesday night crowds that we've had turned out for our student led service. we celebrated by baptizing 14 students and sharing stories from camp, and taking communion.

we have some awesome kids! they are just incredible, and amaze me more and more every week.

so Kelly and I were at a wedding tonight and got home around 10:00pm. when we walked into the garage we could hear the kids singing, dancing, and having a big time. so i decided to take full advantage of the fact that they never heard us pull up and open the garage.

sneaking up to the window on the side of our house my oldest daughter was wearing a napoleon dynamite wig and doing a very spastic version of the running man while my other daughter had her shirt pulled through halter-top style while she was pop, lock, and droppin' it. Meanwhile, the manchild was handcuffed to one of the tv trays.

i am still laughing at the screams and sheer panic that insued when i beat on the window. when Kelly and I finally opened the door and went into the house the kids were huddled in our room still trying to figure out what just happened.

I love scaring people.........funny.

I'm out....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This particular Wednesday night was the first one my whole family attended together. Incredible does not begin to describe it. It marks the first time I observed my husband bow his head to pray in the 25 years I have known him.
I listened to one student open her heart and share some of her private thoughts; she said things I have thought but would never be brave enough to say in front of an audience. She explained how her faith helps her see others in a different light. A teenage girl set an example for a 43 year old woman that day. There was a pure joy in our church that night, that's the was I would describe it.

Lynn Reichl