these are absolutely my opinions and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Still Water Community Church.

Friday, September 29, 2006

under the skin.....

There are some things that just bug me. You know.......why the Taco Bell by my house cannot get a drive thru order correct...that bugs me. Parents that can't get their kid to practice, but then want to know why I don't play them the whole game......bugs me. But I think the one thing that bugs me most is whining. are going to whine and that's is somewhat acceptable, but adult whining is the worst.

This morning I was reading through some blogs that I occasionally follow and I came across one that just really has a tendency to irk me sometimes. The self-professed "church planter" blogger continually whines about "hypocrisy in church leadership," sermons and series being preached at other churches, dismissal of staff members at other churches, etc......Comparing the ministry of his church and others he has emulated to what he deems to be failing, or not doing things the "right way."

Most of the time the opinions stated on this blog come across as the bitter, whinings of a small individual with an extreme case of tunnel vision and "me"itis.

I have a tendency sometimes.....okay a open my mouth for no other reason but to switch feet, but I do try to have facts to substantiate what I am saying. Most of the time I try to keep the writings on this blog light, funny, somewhat encouraging, sometimes reflective...but I try to not run down the ministry someone else is doing.

Different churches approach things in different ways for many different reasons. Staff members change for many reasons. Philosophies are adjusted and teams work together for the good of the church. I'm not seminary educated (some would say I should be thankful for that), but I think there are some things that I can see without that clouding my vision.

I am a church plant. I was planted here to do what God called me to do in the ways that he provides and directs. As churches grow, changes of many kinds occur. But I believe that if you're not changing, you're falling behind. I would never preach that a church should throw biblical teaching to the wind for the sake of not offending, nor would I defend a friend, belittle former employers, cut other pastors, or do anything that may damage ministry being done somewhere that I am not. There is a difference in holding someone accountable for wrong doings, and calling someone out because their way of doing ministry does not match up to yours or your opinion of how things should be done.

I am so happy to be a part of this team at Springcreek. Sure we have disagreements or whatever, but at the end of the day we're honestly searching for what God wants done in the life of his people in our little corner of ministry. Work where God has placed you to reach the people he has put you in contact with, and be thankful that there are others reaching those you cannot.............

I'm out...

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