these are absolutely my opinions and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Still Water Community Church.

Monday, May 07, 2007

I'm Back....

okay, so it's been a couple of months. i'm sorry......thanks for the e-mails asking me to write something....anything. you go..

i'm in atlanta right now. our conference starts today....but the adventure started yesterday. our flight was at 2:40 and we missed the luggage check-in. we ended up on a 6:00 flight, but all is well.

however.......the lady at our gate for american airlines is not well. I didn't even get her name, but we'll call her Grumpy McHaterton. The most unhelpful woman on the face of the earth. She was just mean. Sharon, however, was great. Once we stopped dealing with Grumpy.....things got done.

late night dinner at the waffle house.......awesome! Mel and Flo (not their real names) provided plenty of late night entertainment. waffle house is a 24 hour establishment right? you would have thought we walked in 3 minutes before closing. Flo was super nice.....Mel was just an angry individual. I'm thinkin' of trying to hook him up with Grumpy McHaterton.

our services this weekend were great. people made their commitments to the Imagine campaign and we had a great time of worship and celebration. after the last service we recognized our senior graduates with a lunch for them and their families. we're graduating a lot more kids this year than last and they will be greatly missed.

speaking of our students....check out the video from this weekend's services about what God has been doing in Meghan Strickland's heart. It had me teared up.......

as far as the consistency of my blogging goes.....i'll do better. i'm out....

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