these are absolutely my opinions and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Still Water Community Church.

Monday, May 28, 2007

Sonic Aliens

I'm pretty pumped. I had the opportunity to preach in our main services this weekend. We wrapped up our series titled MySpace, and my weekend was titled MySpace MyConcerns. I've taught and preached many times before, but never here at Springcreek. And's much easier to teach, preach, sing or whatever in front of people that I'm not around all of the time. The bar for teaching has been set quite high here at Springcreek and I'm here every week. But I think it went well. Everyone was very encouraging and I had a blast.

We had The Net for the first time in a couple of weeks last night. I love being around our students. They're awesome! Afterwards a bunch of us went to Sonic and ate, then went back up to the church for a game of Aliens. It was stinkin' awesome! We had so much fun. Check out the pics.

Today we had a little Memorial Day cookout with the inlaws. Burgers, hot links, and the inlaws....mmm mmm. inlaws are great. They provide us with lots of laughs...many times unintentionally. After they left....I made some homeade ice cream. I hurt myself.

You know what I remember about Memorial Day the most? I used to watch war movies with my dad quite often, but more so on Memorial Day than any other time. And today.....AMC had a war movie marathon today and my son, Beaux, wanted to sit and watch a few with me. "Flying Leathernecks," "Patton," and "Tora, Tora, Tora." Good stuff! I remember those times with my dad....and I couldn't have been happier today when I got to sit on my chair with my son and watch some of those old war movies.

Summer starts next week. The kids are done with school Friday and we kick things off Sunday night with a cookout/swimming party. It's going to be a great summer. I'm out....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oh aliens fun. we need to make that like a monthly thing...