these are absolutely my opinions and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Still Water Community Church.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Barranquilla Day 3

First day in the field went well. The students were all pretty nervous, but they had a good day. My team was in kind of an upscale neighborhood which resulted in many people being quite unreceptive.

I guess things are much different than at home. When we get comfortable with our surroundings and situation it is much harder to see the need for God. The people here are such gracious, welcoming people, but in this neighborhood there was just a sense of complacency. We'll be in another barrio tomorrow and we'll see what happens.

That being said....we saw 50 people give their life to Christ in our group alone. The people at the church we were at today are awesome! My prayer is that they will be able to disciple and go forward with what is started. I want these new believers to get plugged in and find a church home that will teach them and disciple them as they start their new walk.

The kids are doin' great. They are all excited about tomorrow now that they have a day under their belt.

Random Moment of the Day:

*why did the guy serving breakfast have a chef's uniform on (including the really tall hat) when they were just serving corn flakes?

23 days till Cowboys v. Raiders....

I'm out....

1 comment:

Bill Patterson said...

That's AMAZING (not just that it's only 23 days until the Cowboys vs. Oakland) - but that 50 lives have been changed forever! Praise God for what He has done because so many were willing to go, others gave, and many prayed!