these are absolutely my opinions and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Still Water Community Church.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Day 5......

Day 5...another school! My team's day started in another school. This time it was a school run by a christian principal and a faculty made up of all christians. They put each of our team members in a classroom. By 10:30am we had seen over 130 kids give their life to Christ. We ended up seeing 269 people give their life today! Our team alone! Crazy!

The neighborhood we were in was a really bad barrio. We had to have a police escort and three local gang members (as pictured below) lead us around the neighborhood so that we didn't go into the "wrong" houses. Needless to say we stayed pretty close together. The people were incredibly receptive and generous. So different from the very upscale neighborhood we were in earlier this week. People who had nothing, willing to let us in and give up the best seat in the house for us to tell them about Jesus. People with everything...not even opening their gate for us. In some ways it sounds very similar to the culture we live in back home.

I'm learning that there are certain constants in this world. For instance...people who have much feel they need very little. People who have little are willing to give all for a glimmer of hope. McDonalds tastes the same wherever you may be in the world...and in this setting it has been a welcome site at times.

I'm hearing great stories from everyone else on the team, and we've got lots of pictures to share. You can look at a lot of them on my facebook page. Check them out.

Moment of the Day:

*Justin Spann got a marriage proposal from this little Colombian chica who thinks he looks like Harry Potter.

22 know!

I'm out...

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