these are absolutely my opinions and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Still Water Community Church.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Day 4 in Barranquilla

It was a different day today in a much different barrio. After being in an upscale neighborhood yesterday where complacency had set in, we went to a mission of that church in a very poor barrio. Mary McElyea, 3 of our translators, and a team of nationals were in the neighborhood all morning and did an incredible job.

Thanks to the pastor's wife being a teacher....she got myself, Tye, Elizabeth, Justin, Maria (our translator), and the other Maria (a national) into a school. We were able to share the gospel with more than 150 kids and saw 137 of them give their life to class! It was awesome.

Each of the students shared with the students, Maria (our national) shared her testimony...Incredible! And kids were just zoned into every word out of our mouths. It was a great experience. The teacher sounded a lot like some teachers I know back home. She teaches religion and ethics, but cannot be biased because it is a government/catholic school. But she can bring people in as guests and they can teach about their specific beliefs. So we did... and they responded.

The afternoon was cut short by a huge thunderstorm but it gave us the opportunity to sit with the people of the church we were with and just hangout. We sang worship songs..they would teach us one is spanish ...and then we would teach them one of ours. Old classical guitars with cat gut awesome!

The pastor shared with us that his church needed encouragement, so we met and talked, prayed, and worshipped together for a while. It was great.

Tomorrow we go to a different church and start working a different barrio. This is a neighborhood that I was in back in October so I'm looking forward to seeing some old friends.

Moment of the Day:

*Lauren McElyea told a group that Jesus died for all of our fish. The word for fish and sins is very similar and she just got a little mixed up. Funny!!

22 days till Cowboys opener!!!

I'm out...

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