these are absolutely my opinions and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Still Water Community Church.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Wow!! Summer is half over! It's crazy to think that school starts back up in just over a month. My oldest will be a senior this year! She makes sure to remind me of that every chance she gets.

I remember my senior year. Baytown Sterling High School...Class of '86! Seems like forever ago, but yet seems like yesterday. There's no way we can all be this old.....41 use to sound ancient. It doesn't sound so old now.

Where does time go? What is it we do with our time here? How do we impact lives around us? Things change so fast and our window for influence is small sometimes.

I'm afraid I spend too much time worrying about things due to my attempts at controlling stuff that God should be in control of anyway. Or getting ticked at people for mistakes that I have made myself many times before. You know...the kid at Taco Bell is just trying to earn a few bucks to put giant wheels on his Honda Civic....he didn't screw up my tacos on purpose. He's just got other things on his mind.

What is it that I really do control? I think if I start with controlling my relationship with Christ, and prioritizing His direction and influence, then perhaps the need to control everything else would begin to subside.

Jacob tried to control things his entire life. It wasn't until he wrestled with God and realized who he was that God was able to start a work in Him and do great things.

My prayer....that God would continue to help me realize who I am in Him and all of the other Dougs would take a back seat. Some things just push my buttons, and life happens daily. Control is part of our selfish nature and surrendering it is part of a growing, mature relationship with Christ.

Well....lots of stuff goin' on this week. VBS up here at church, leaving for Colombia, student minstry stuff......our children's pastor has me wearing a crocodile suit all week, walkin' around vbs. My name is Croc O'Dile...pretty funny.

You know how my mind here are a few random thoughts:

1. so Bret Michaels of Poison and Rock of Love fame.....where did he find the people on this
seasons show that failed to realize that this is season 3 of finding his one true love? he's being
called a "romance revolutionary".......seriously?

2. why does my daughters summer school speech teacher require them to do current events on
colored, decorative paper? and by the way, the current events are not presented to the class
as a speech....go figure.

3. T.O. on the show Superstars....losing miserably to Julio Iglesias Jr......PRICELESS!

31 Days till Cowboys v. bout them Cowboys?!

I'm out.

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