these are absolutely my opinions and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Still Water Community Church.

Saturday, January 14, 2006

Favorite hangs....

Yesterday I had the chance to hang out with my buddy Scott as we went to the airport to pick up his friend Marshall. Marshall is leading worship this weekend at Springcreek while I enjoy a weekend off. Usually hanging out with Scott means good conversation, laughing my head off, and eating some good food. Yesterday did not disappoint.

After picking up Marsh at the airport we made a trip to Uno's in Ft. Worth for some awesome pizza. With Scott, a trip anywhere east of I-35 means Pappa's pizza, west of I-35 is Uno's. But that's least he has good taste. In the book of Acts, chapter 2, Luke speaks of the importance of breaking bread together. I'm sure he would've loved hangin' out with Scott.

On that note, it's just fun hangin' out, and talking about things that are going on in our lives. God works in so many ways, and puts so many people in our lives for so many reasons. It was great meeting Marsh and hanging out with him too. We talked marriage, music, tv shows, worship, and just hung out. It was great.

I focus a lot of time on trying to reach people that may not believe in the same God I do, may not go to church, or may not be sure what they believe. God gives us people to hang with that are heading in the same direction, with the same outlook, and same beliefs to provide us with encouragement and fun.

Think about those people in your life that make things fun and encouraging. Take the time to "break bread" and hang out with those people. Now I've got to go try and figure out why Marsh is so much higher than me on Scott's list of "favorite hangs."

I'm out...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey mang, take some pictures with that cool camera phone of yours and post them so we can visualize your story.....