these are absolutely my opinions and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Still Water Community Church.

Saturday, October 29, 2005

run over...

It has been years since I was sick enough to stay home from work. I started getting sick Thursday night, and by Friday morning I was running about 103 temperature, and felt like I had been hit by a train. I got to the doctor and was diagnosed with strep and an ear infection. I'm feeling a little better, but I have to lead worship tonight, take my senior high group to a haunted maze, lead worship tomorrow morning, and get stuff done at "The Net" tomorrow night. I need some help...just pray for me that I will have the strength to get this stuff done.

You know what the worst part of it is. It's when your fever breaks during the night, and you sweat in the bed. I hate that!!! It's just miserable.

Not much to say today....if someone walked into my house and robbed me blind I don't even think I could get up to stop them. I guess it can only get better from here. I'm out....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey doug,
this is not for posting i just don't have your number. I saw your blog. Is it too late to have Chris lead for at least tonight? We can just cut out the last song. Brian can go acoustic and they can make it through. The may even be able to do this tomorrow. With the way we're ending it could work. And B can end with a solo or something to fit the night. And I wonder where Jay may be able to sub for you in other areas. it may just take a call from you to chris and brian to get the music part done. just a thought.
ray m