these are absolutely my opinions and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Still Water Community Church.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Not so random Tuesday is the day. The day hated by men everywhere. It is pretty common knowledge that Valentine's is a highly commercialized holiday. It is driven by the card, flower, and candy industries around the world.

Don't get me wrong....I love my wife. I bought her a card today and she bought me one. But I spend time telling her that the other 364 days of the year as well as Feb.14. I am so thankful to be married to a woman that realizes the unnecessary spending that takes place on February 14 and expects me to do things for her at various times for no reason. We buy the kids some candy, and a small gift, and we get each other cards. Oh, there have been gifts in the past.....good ones. But there really is no sense in it.

I'm not being unromantic, but I think it's probably more romantic to buy her flowers, take her to dinner, and get her gifts on days that she's not expecting it. Why emphasize it just one day out of the year?

Now...that being said. I bought each of my daughters a dozen roses today with a card. I just wanted to be the first guy in their lives to buy them roses. I know I won't be the last, but I am the first. I spend many days trying to teach them about things to expect from guys. Guys that buy them things on Valentine's Day and don't mind their p's and q's the other 364 days of the year will not be accepted.

Change of subject.....I'm trying to eat better. Cutting the junk food, fast food, etc..So today I'm at Quizno's with Scott Harper. I order a SMALL sandwich, get some chips, and a small drink. I get to the register, and what happens.......they made me a LARGE sandwich. It was as if they heard my lips say "small," but my body language was saying "I want the biggest stinkin' one you've got." In Scott's words...they were thinking "there ain't nothing about him that says small sandwich." However, I ate half and wrapped up the other half to go for tomorrow.

I know this is long and a change from my usual "Random Tuesdays." Happy Valentine's Day Kel.....and you mean just as much to me on Feb 15 as you do today.

I'm out....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

awwww so sweet dougy wougy

pet talk aside thanks for wut u and jay do there has been such a big change since yall came yall have made such a powerful impact in the way you let god speak through yall with your actions and your talks yall are awesome have a great day tmrw
mmmmgaw waw!