these are absolutely my opinions and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Still Water Community Church.

Tuesday, February 28, 2006


Just got in from a night in downtown Chicago. Very cool....

We hit Gino's East for dinner........unbelievable pizza! Went to the top of the Sears Tower.......110 stories and 1400 feet above the street. WHAT? Saw Soldier Field, Wrigley Field, and Navy Pier. But we had another brush with greatness. We actually stood outside of Harpo Studios within feet of Diane Keeton, Emma Thompson, and Oprah herself. Of course they were inside the building and we were outside where it was 28 freakin' degrees. But we did talk to two really nice security guards, 1 limo driver, and a pimp.

Yes..Jay and I now know Chicago pretty well. We stopped in a 50's style diner in Wrigleyville (that's what us locals call the area around Wrigley Field) and had some good conversation with some of the clientelle and a really nice waitress. We were just there to warm up, so I had a vanilla shake.

I know what you're thinking....I thought Doug and Jay went to a conference. We did, and we heard some really good stuff today from Bo Boshers. He is the Director of Student Ministries at Willowcreek. He spoke on leading and mentoring. He had some excellent stuff. He is also from a teaching/coaching background and I was able to have a really good conversation with him after the session. I also spoke with Jim Mellado for quite a while. Jim and I went to church together, sunday school, etc..when we were in church together in Katy, Tx. back in the early '90's. I left there to go coach in Nederland, TX when he left to go to work for a growing church in the Chicago area. He's now the President of Willowcreek Assoc. We spent some time today catching up and talking about our families and stuff. He's an awesome guy and it was good to catch up with him.

Well....we're flying back tomorrow and I get to baptize my son Beaux. I am pumped! I'll also be a year older when I wake up tomorrow. 38! Wow.....suddenly I feel tired and achy. And did I mention that I got my picture taken with Mac Powell from Third Day? I'm out.....

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