these are absolutely my opinions and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Still Water Community Church.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Tonight was PTA meeting night. Can you say whippin'? They tactfully scheduled this meeting in front of the 3rd grade choir program, as they always do, and then slammed us with a PTA meeting. The 20 minute choir program was actually a welcome break from the PTA business. I think if someone would have hit me in the face with a 2 x 4, I would have actually enjoyed it as a welcome relief from discussion of PTA Lifetime Membership Honorees................WHAT? LIFETIME? Why would you not quit once your kids are out? There was a lady there that had been a member of this school's PTA since it started.......20 years ago. WHAT?

Oh son was brilliant in his speaking parts and that's why I was there. I've been watching my calories and I'm down to 259 from 272. The 5:00 a.m. workouts and calorie counting are starting to help. I celebrated tonight with a vanilla shake. 1st one in over a month......don't judge me.

I'm out....

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